Kristjan Yukikaze

Mercenary | Warder | Voidwolf | Retainer

Name: Kristjan Yukikaze
Nicknames: Kris, Krissy, Krist, Baka
Age: 101
Race: Viera
Species: Rava
Gender: Male
Birthday: 6th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible/Demisexual
Relationship Status: Taken/Polyamorous
Residence: Ward 11, Plot 54, Lavender Beds Subdivision

Kristjan has a variety of traditional tribal Rava tattoos all over his body. They snake across his chest and down his arms, splaying out to each finger. He has a very noticeable tattoo on his cheek, indicating he was a Wood Warder of the Rysto tribe.
He's a Wood Warder. His entire one hundred summers of life were spent either training and surviving in a very hostile forest filled to the brim with dangers, or he was protecting it from outsiders, voidsent and Garlean invaders. So he definitely has his fill of scars. The most predominant scar that is fully visible tends to be the one on his right tricep. It runs along the underside and it's shaped like a gunshot that nicked him in the middle of a fight. However, the largest scar he bears is across his pectorals, hidden away from sight by his clothing. This scar came from a very angry voidsent that made short work of a brother shortly before cleaving Kristjan across the chest. He almost lost his life that day.

(Work in Progress)
Having been born and raised in the Golmore Woods under the idea that to leave was a grave sin, he lives according to this very philosophy. While he may be loyal to a fault, deep down he feels like he has done something horrible and irreversible to his own concept of loyalty that it's all but shattered him. He might question his decisions or make irrational ones based off of a personal assessment that he needs to find himself again. Right now, being so fresh out of the Wood, his personality is very malleable, being directly influenced by those around him.
That being said, Kristjan finds himself having a very gruff personality. It isn't unlikely that he would come off a bit abrasive at first. Especially if you are another male Viera. Most of the time, however, he seems to be very reclusive and introverted to the point that he normally won't be the one to approach first. However, once you get to know him... Well, that still never really changes. He just gets nicer in his gruffy way.

Personality Chart
Introvert / In Between / Extrovert
Disorganized / In Between / Organised
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful

| Married - ♥ | Partners - ❥ | Crush - ♡ | Teacher - ✉ | Student - ✎

Lucy Yukikaze
"Lucy really helped me get accustomed to living outside of the Wood. Her husband helped, but I honestly don't think she realizes just how impactful the things we've done and said to each other have been in my life. I hope that some day I'll be able to pay her back, but until then.. Well, I'll just have to keep doing my best."

Hinami Shimizu
"Hinami reminds me of myself, to an extent. She was thrust into a new position with little to no say so and expected to figure out her new life. Luckily, just like myself, she is surrounded by friends and loved ones that will move heaven and earth to help her. From the start, Hinami was kind to me. And, as many know from my upbringing, that is usually more than enough to catch my eye."

| Family - ♥ | Budding Crush - ♡ | Close Friends - ☺ | Friends - ☻ | Interesting - ☆ | Teacher - ✉ | Student - ✎ |Conflicts - ✗ | Enemies - ☠ |

Zakhaev Swiftclaw ☆☻
"Zak is the sweetest bean I've ever met, if I'm being honest. Sometimes, I'm genuinely concerned for his safety because of how innocent he can be, but he's at least proven time and again that he can hold his own in a fight. We sparred once and he certainly surprised me with his skill. I look forward to facing him again soon."

Yori Kawakami
"This one is a strange one. I know she's different, mostly because it's been confirmed through other sources. She hasn't seemed particularly hostile or friendly... In fact she's been rather apathetic toward me, which is honestly rare... Pretty much everyone forms some kind of an opinion of me after our first conversation. Who knows what time will tell."

| Family - ♥ | Partner - ♡ | Close Friends - ☺ | Friends - ☻ | Interesting - ☆ | Teacher - ✉ | Student - ✎ |Conflicts - ✗ | Enemies - ☠ |

Miku Yukikaze ♥ ✉
"You want me to talk about Miku? I mean, what can I say? The day I met her, I'd been out of the wood for maybe three suns. I was an asshole. Still... Kinda am, but the first thing she did was show me kindness in a situation where I honestly just didn't deserve it. She invited me to stay at the Crimson Blossom, a bar she runs with her other partners and.. I took that for granted once. I made a vow to her. Two of them, actually. One, to protect her clan and her family with her life. And the other to stay with her forever. A vow of service and a vow of marriage. I couldn't be happier with these choices."

Izumi Yukikaze
"The first day I really met Izumi, she threw water at Arani. It was absolutely hilarious and painful at the same time, because she screamed in my ear. She's also someone who got me used to this place. Technically, she introduced me to the Shroud, which is one of my favorite spots in Eorzea. And she did so the right way... Through a measure of strength... Huh? Who won? I did, naturally. I wouldn't be much of a Warder if I lost, now would I?"

(Work in Progress)
__Common Knowledge__:
Out of the Woods: Well... He's a male Viera. That's a very rare thing to see, especially one that was relatively fresh out of Golmore. Maybe his existence disturbs you, or fascinates you, it's more than enough reason for the average person to approach. Or... Well, avoid him. You could ask him whatever you want! Just don't be surprised if he's a bit cold. His life wasn't exactly... Well, fun.
Not-so Common Knowledge:
A Justified Murder: This was the reason that Kristjan left the forest to begin with. One night while he was out on patrol near the border that Garlean forces had been regularly attacking, he discovered a famed and honorable Warden, named Arni, in conversation with a Garlean officer. When he confronted him, the Warden was honestly happy that he had been discovered. Arni explained that the Garleans had kidnapped the ward he was entrusted with, and were threatening to kill the boy if he didn't lead them to the village. So, Arni begged him kill him then and there, a mercy for the man's reputation seeing as he'd lost his ward. So Kristjan did. He then left that very night, never to return to Golmore again.
A Soul Torn Asunder: *Kristjan's soul is split between the thirteen worlds, much the same as the Warrior of Light. He's been living with his First shard for some time now, growing accustomed to this strange Hingan miqo'te that went by R'ashka. *A Warder Once More: Ever since Kris married Miku Yukikaze, Lord of Asakura, he's maintained certain responsibilities in the clan. Okay, technically, he had the responsibilities prior to marrying her because she asked him to protect the woodlands surrounding her village during the Final Days, but that isn't what's important here. Perhaps you were exploring the woods and had a chance encounter with a strange bun? Perhaps there are legends of Warders and wolves roaming about? Regardless, there's something strange protecting the Asakura woods and this bun could be related...Secret Knowledge
||A Curse Turned Gift: Some time back, Kris was afflicted with a curse when he approached a voidwolf intent on obtaining a contract with it. However, instead of giving him a contract, it forcefully passed a curse to him, binding it to his soul. After a few moons of learning to live with it, he recently found out it wasn't quite what anyone was expecting. Instead, it turned out to be an ancient, corrupted kamuy spirit. After another short period, he's finally gotten the spirit cleansed. But he's only just returned, so who knows what will come of it?


Kristjan has the potential to become a lore-bendy character. He arguably already is through ties to other characters I play. So if this is something that bothers you, I urge you not to RP with him.Now then, time for the serious talk. I suffer from extreme cases of ADHD, Depression and Anxiety. Sometimes, I'm not willing to do things I was the day before, sometimes I am. Sometimes, I want to do everything all day. Sometimes, I don't want to do anything at all. Again, please don't give me a hard time on this. I'm usually pretty easy to work with unless I'm having a particularly bad day.When it comes to the types of RP I'm interested in, I'm usually pretty okay with everything that doesn't involve extensive amounts of gore and Kristjan's untimely death.I love romance RP. If you're interested in my character, feel free to let me know, but I am intentionally taking my time and swapping to the slow-burn method because I have faced nothing but OOC drama from quick-burn. It is also important that I mention that I'm in a very comfortable relationship OOC, so if that's an issue, please do not approach my character romantically. I do RP on Discord, but I prefer to RP in game.Discord is available upon request.